atgal į sąrašą


Rooster-shaped lollies have become a sweet childhood memory
for many. The shape of the lolly and the stick are quite interesting,
while the rest is very simple. This candy is made with special metal
moulds convenient for pouring in caramel and popping in the
stick. The process for making the candy is truly simple: Simply mix
a spoonful of sugar and a splash of water in the right proportions,
and keep heating the mass until it takes on a brown hue. Sugar is
the main component in all sweet treats, and the secret behind
caramel, toffee, sugar paste and mousse is that the characteristics
of sugar change when you heat it.
When boiling the sugar solution, it is important to set the right
temperature so that the syrup attains the desired consistency.
Professional confectioners have advice on what temperature you
boil the sugar at. Would you like to try out new candy recipes, but
don’t have a special thermometer? You can easily determine the
temperature of the syrup using cold water. Drop a few drops of
the syrup into ice-cold water, and by rolling the drops into ball
between your fingers, you will be able determine the stage that
the product is at.
If you decide to make your own lollies, you should prepare some
sweet caramel. It can be made from powdered sugar and water
(at a ratio of three to one), and a couple tablespoons of honey or
maple syrup. If you’d like, you may substitute water with your
favourite juice, changing the taste and colour of the lolly. You can
even move away from the original recipe and add cream or milk
to make milky caramel. Or you may add a splash of lemon juice or
vanilla, or any other aromatic essence you like.
Only make as much caramel as you need to fill the moulds,
because it hardens fast. Heat the sugar, water and honey in a
thick-bottomed pot, and remember to keep stirring. This should
be done over medium heat until the sugar melts completely and
the mass begins to bubble. Then add the optional lemon juice or
spice, and simmer for a few more minutes, depending on what
kind of lollies you want. The longer you simmer it, the deeper the
taste the sugar will take on. Finally, pour the mass into the moulds
and add the sticks. Let the lollies cool.

